IELTS formal informal word uses.

IELTS formal informal word uses.

IELTS formal informal word

Vocabulary is important for practicing English. IELTS Formal and informal word Knowing and using  is essential for higher scores. In Speaking and Writing, for both General and Academic students. Speaking part, talking to a office is different from talking with family’s members. Besides in writing, writing an academic essay is different from writing a letter to a close friend.


Using the correct form of language is essential for getting a high score in the writing section. Let’s take a look at the FREQUENT situations and several main differences of formal and informal WORD writing in the IELTS.

Informal Formal
Sorry Apologize
Tell Inform
Need Require
Ask Request
Check Verify
Get Receive
So Therefore
Choose Select
Look for Seek/Search
Maybe Perhaps
Say no Reject
Buy purchase
Start Commence
Check Verify
Help Assist
Use Consume
Kids Children
Call off Cancel
I think In my opinion
To sum up In conclusion
But however
Point out indicate
Think about consider
Empty Vacant
Worse Inferior
Hurt Damage
Want Desire
Build Construct
Seem Appear
mad Insane
Go up increase
tough difficult
book reserve
In the end finally
What’s up? How do you do?
Nice to meet you It is a pleasure to meet you?
As soon as you can At your earliest convenience
Worried about you Concerned about you
To start with/ For a start Firstly
Say hello to Give my regards to
Heard from her lately Have you heard from her lately
Seen her? Have you seen her?
She’s right I agree with her,that..
Don’t forget I would like to remind you that…
Thanks a lot! I appreciate your assistance!
Because In light of the fact that
I think.. In my opinion that…
I need to.. It is necessary for me
You don’t hafta It is not necessary for yo to..
We recommend It is recommended
Sorry… Please accept our apologies for…
Another good thing is Secondly..
What’s more Besides
Not only that Furthermore
And one of the best things is…/The most important thing is../And best of all.. Lastly,
She can She has the ability
They put the plan into action The plan was implemented/carried out
The place where you want to go Our destination
I’m sorry to tell you that.. I regret to inform you of..
Could you? I was hoping that you could
It wasn’t be a problem anymore It will cease to be a problem
When you get here, Your arrival
I’m getting tired of this junk. One grows waery in these matters.
This seemed to fix the problem This appeared to rectify the problem
Can I help you? Please State your business
Please get back to me ASAP I would be grateful if you could reply early
Could you..? I’d really appreciate it if you could..
We want to We would like to
Shall I? Would you like me to.?
To think about To consider
This shows that.. This demonstrates.
To tell the difference To distinguish
We’ve received We are in receipt of
You should revise Revision should be done
It will do you good This will be of great benefit to you
What’s going on? How are you doing?
Just a note to say.. I am writing to inform you..
As we discussed this morning As per our telephone conversation on today’s date
It would be great if you could attend this event We would be honored if you would attend this event
Your kid is making trouble I am afraid your child is experiencing difficulty
See you next week I look forward to meeting you next week.
People use a huge amount of People consume a tremendous amount of

 See more articles about IELTS study and strategy:

  1. IELTS writing different sentence in Similar meaning.
  2. IELTS reading module vocabulary list
  3. IELTS reading module vocabulary list
  4. IELTS Speaking band scores scheme and how they are calculated
Software Engineer Interview Questions and Answares

Software Engineer Interview Questions and Answares


Subject : SQL

How to find salary of friends whose salary is Second highest;

Table Name: friends

friendsName salary
Nihar 30000
Bihar 40000
Saiyar 50000
Nahar 55000

Query :

SELECT friendsName,MAX(salary) as salary FROM friends

WHERE salary < (SELECT MAX(salary) FROM salary);


Part 2: Method Signature in Java with Example.

Part 2: Method Signature in Java with Example.

Method Signature in Java:

Firstly need to know what is java method? why to use in java?

Java method refers, a method which is a block of code which only runs when it is called. Here data can pass as parameters into a method. Methods are used to perform certain actions, and they are also known as functions.


This is mainly use to frequent use a same function by call that is reuse a function.

To create a method must be declared within a class. It is followed by parentheses () with the name of the method. Java provides some pre-defined methods, such as System.out.println(), though  can also create  own user define methods to perform secific actions:

Create a method inside Tree:

public class Tree{
static void treeMethod() {
// code to be executed

Example Explained

  • treeMethod() is the name of the method.
  • static means that the method belongs to the Main class and not an object of the Tree class.
  • void means that this method does not have a return value.

Now with another example brief it shortly:

Next need to know what  is method signature and it’s declaration. It is refers to a method-name to parameter-list before body part of a java class.

An example of method declaration:

public double showValue(int types,double area)

    //to do


So in method declaration uses components are:

modifiers: It controls the access level,

Modifier Description
public The public use in code which mean it is accessible for all classes.
private This Modifier refers the code is only accessible within the declared class
default The code is only accessible in the same package. This is used when  don’t want to specify a modifier.
protected The code is accessible in the same package and subclasses.

return type: A return type may be a primitive type. For instance int, float, double, a reference type or void type(returns nothing),

method name: A method name  should follow the camel case. First letter of the first word should be small and the first letters of the remaining words should be capital,

parameter list in parenthesis: Parameters act as variables inside the method.

public class Main
static void mMethod(String first_name)

System.out.println(first_name );

public static void main(String[] args)





exception list: Java Built-in exceptions are suitable to explain certain error situations. It also supports  users to define their own exceptions.,

  • ArithmeticException
    This exception is thrown in code when an exceptional condition has occurred in an arithmetic operation.
  • ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
    It is thrown to indicate that an array has been accessed either negative or greater than or equal to the size of the array.

the method body: The method body is where all of the action of a method takes place,

enclosed between braces: Start to end body of a Java class .

Among these components(six total) only two comprises the method signature.

  • a method name,
  • parameter list in parenthesis

Following the example the method signature :

showValue( int types, double area)

That means, method signature is part of the method declaration , combination of the method name and the parameter list.  Overloading method signature get emphasis to its ability to write methods that have the same name but accept different parameters.

Through the method signatures ,  Java compiler can discern the difference between the methods at compilation time.

Method Signature Examples:

public double showValue(int types,double area,float result) {

    //to do


The method signature in the above example is showValue (int, double, float)

public double showValue(String name) {

    //to do



The Java compiler will let us add another method like the above example because its method signature is different showValue(String) in this case.

To Call a Method :

we discuss before in Java, write the method’s name followed by two parentheses () and a semicolon;

In the following example, treeMethod() is used to print a text (the action), when it is called:

Inside main, call the treeMethod() method:

public class Tree {
static void treeMethod() {
System.out.println("hello executed treeMethod!");

public static void main(String[] args) {

// Outputs “hello executed treeMethod!”

The method can be called multiple time. Above code main method rewrite for this code:

public static void main(String[] args) {



// Here treeMethod() call three times and everytime shows same output

Java Method Parameters and Arguments:

Value can be passed to methods as parameter. Parameters act as variables inside the method.
Parameters are specified after the method name, inside the parentheses. You can add as many parameters as you want, just separate them with a comma.

public class Tree {
static void myMethod(String languageName) {
System.out.println(languageName+ " language");

public static void main(String[] args) {

// Python language
// C language
// C++ language

Java can support Multiple Parameters. You can have as many parameters as you like:


public class Tree{
static void myMethod(String languageName, (String version) {
System.out.println(languageName + " is a" + age);

public static void main(String[] args) {
myMethod("Python", "language");
myMethod("C", "language");
myMethod("C++", "language");

// Python is a language
// C is a language
// C++ is a language

Draftsbook is a learning base blog. The blog share Article series based on Subject. For example:

    1. JAVA : JAVA  is a object-oriented programming(OOP) language. This language classes and objects are the two main aspects of OOP. The blog content discuss below principles of OOP:
      1. Encapsulation
      2. Inheritance
      3. Abstraction
      4. Polymorphism
  1. Data Structure: Data structure refers a several way of organizing data in a computer system.
  2. Android : Android software development  apps can be written using Kotlin, Java, and C++ languages” using the Android software development kit (SDK). This blog contains  android feature Navigation drawer implementation and its usage are mention.
  3. IELTS : IELTS  Four module with strategies are written hereby

5.Problem Solving : Problem solution on various online platform tips and solution are given here following platform.

C program reverse a given string without using build in function.

C program reverse a given string without using build in function.


Reverse a given string without using build in function



#include <stdio.h>
int main()

char string1[100],string2[100];
char s[]="Learn and share blog";
int i,j,k,count;
for(count = 0; s[count] != '\0'; count++);
for(j=count-1,i=0 ;j>=0; j--)
printf("reverse string is : %s",string1);
return 0;


reverse string is : golb erahs dna nraeL

Part 2: Method Signature in Java with Example.

Part 10: Java abstract class with Example.

Java abstract class with Example

When we declare any class with abstract then this class known as abstract class. Abstract class can method can be used as abstract and non-abstract. In Interface all methods implicitly public abstract and we know abstract methods can’t be any body part.


abstract class First
 abstract void printA(); 
void printAB()
System.out.println("This is non-abstract method of abstract class  First");

Here printA() is an abstract method where printAB() is a non-abstract method. So, abstract class provide both abstract and non-abstract method.

Now, another class (e.g. class Second) wants to use this abstract class then that class need to extends the First class. The class Second can’t extends more than one class because the class maintain single inheritance. After extends class “First” need to override method printA() because this is an abstract method. printAB() method can be or can’t be override because this is optional and this method is not abstract. For the interface class, when another class need to use interface class then all the method interface mandatorily need to override.


class Second extends First
 @Override void printA() 
 System.out.println("This is override method abstract class  First");

In this part, printA() method is override as default same as class “First” printA() method. If class “First” is an interface then printA() method mendatorilly override as public.

Keep in mind abstract class has not any object references directly. If we want to create any abstract class object then we need to create inner class with override method of abstract class.

public class AbstractDemo {

public static void main(String args[]){

Second second = new Second();






Here create object of second class to call the methods. As class”First” is abstract so we did not create any object of this class.

So abstract class main advantages are need not to mandatorily override all the methods in abstract class. Only which class are need in frequently we declare these methods as abstract latterly we use these methods as override and change methods body part as required.

Extra features of abstract class are given below using an program:

abstract class Initfirst
int dim1,dim2;
 Initfirst(int d1, int d2)

this.dim1 = d1; 
this.dim2 =d2;
abstract int sum(); 
abstract int mul(); 
class Initsecond extends Initfirst
 public Initsecond(int d1, int d2) 
super(d1, d2); 
@Override int sum() 
return (dim1 + dim2);
@Override int mul()
return (dim1 * dim2);
 class Inittheird extends Initfirst
public Inittheird(int d1, int d2)
super(d1, d2); 
@Override int mul()
 return (dim1 * dim2);
 @Override int sum()
return (dim1 + dim2); 
 public class ClassDemo
public static void main(String args[]) 
Initsecond initsecond = new Initsecond(2,1);
 Inittheird inittheird = new Inittheird(4,5);
 Initfirst initfirst; initfirst = initsecond; 
System.out.println("Sum is : "+initfirst.sum() + "   " +"Mul is : "+initfirst.mul());
 initfirst = inittheird; 
System.out.println("Sum is : "+initfirst.sum() + "   " +"Mul is : "+initfirst.mul()); 

Following the program abstract class Initfirst contructor can not called directly like

Initfirst initfirst = new Initfirst(1,2); But Initfirst class subclass can be called directly by creating object.

Initsecond and Inittheird both extends Initfirst so Initfirst construct called by super() which is used both subclasses  in Initsecond and Inittheird.

In main method both subclasses object is created. As abstract class Initfirst can not be called directly so we can call it initialize as “ Initfirst  “any_name”; Follwing program Initfirst initfirst;

So we can make call by writing Initfirst

As, Initfirst = initsecond;

Initfirst = inittheird;